- Parochet - Ark CurtainsTorah Ark Curtains, Aron Kodesh Covers, Paroches
- Torah Covers - Torah MantlesSefer Torah Mantels, Torah Scroll Covers, Velvet Torah Mantles
- Torah Rollers - Atzei ChaimWooden Torah Handles & Plates, Eitz Chayim Torah set
- Bimah Covers - Amud CoversBima Cover, Torah Reading Table Covers, Shtender Covers
- Bein GavrahsFlat Torah Covers between Reading
- Silver Torah OrnamentsTorah Breasplates, Torah Crown, Rimonim & Finials, Torah Cases, Torah Pointer / Yad, Torah Markers / Labels
- Torah Binders - GartlesTorah Belts, Torah Ties, Gartel for Sefer Torah
- Tallit - Prayer ShawlsTallis, Talleisim, Tallitoth, Jewish Prayer Shawl
- Tallit BagsVelvet Tallis & Tefillin Bags, Tallis Covers, Embroidered Tallit Covers
- Kippot - YarmulkasSynagogue Kippot, Kippah, Yarmulkes, Womens Lace Headcovering
- Chuppahs - Wedding CanopiesWedding Chuppahs, Tallit Chuppah
- Judaica Gifts & AccessoriesJudaica & Gifts, Challah Covers, Shofars, Megillah Cases, Matzah Covers
- Casket Covers
Related Products Reviews

The package arrived. Everything looks great. Thanks for all your help!

The package arrived. Everything looks great. Thanks for all your help!

The paroches came out beautiful! It was greatly appreciated that you had it ready in time for Yom Tov.

The paroches came out beautiful! It was greatly appreciated that you had it ready in time for Yom Tov.

Everything received. Of course we haven't put them up yet but they look great. Thank you so much for helping us with this project.

Everything received. Of course we haven't put them up yet but they look great. Thank you so much for helping us with this project.

Received! Beautiful job and best communications.Thanks

Received! Beautiful job and best communications.Thanks
Parochet - Torah Ark Curtains
Read more about Parochet - Ark CurtainsOur Parochet - Torah Ark Curtains are crafted with high quality workmanship custom made to your dimensions and preferred color. All parochet are durably lined and can have an optional valance (kaporet) on the top. A custom dedicaton or inscription is typically embroidered on the parochet to honor loved ones.
Looking to match your parochet? Use the same style for your Torah Covers, Bima & Amud Covers and Bein Gavrahs for uniform synagogue decor.
Still can't find the parochet you are looking for? Contact us to inquire and we will be glad to help with availability, options & pricing.
How to Measure your Parochet:
Measuring from existing Parochet
For the length, measure from the top of the rings to the bottom tip of the parochet (or fringes, if any).
For the width, measure from left to right of parochet.
Measuring parochet for a new Aron Kodesh
For the length, measure from the top to the bottom of the opening area of the Aron Kodesh (ark), or the length you prefer.
For the width, measure from left to right of opening area, or the width you prefer. We usually add 2-3 inches to the sides to allow waviness of the curtain.