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Shemah Yisroel Parochet P278

The package arrived today!!! The items are beautiful!


The package arrived today!!! The items are beautiful!

Pillars & Crown Parochet P255

We received the parochet yesterday and it is absolutely wonderful! You all did a fantastic job. Kol hakavod. Thanks so much for all of your help


We received the parochet yesterday and it is absolutely wonderful! You all did a fantastic job. Kol hakavod. Thanks so much for all of your help

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Just arrived! Beautiful!


Just arrived! Beautiful!

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Just wanted to follow up to say what a beautiful job you did with the parochet you made for our kehilla. It is gorgeous!


Just wanted to follow up to say what a beautiful job you did with the parochet you made for our kehilla. It is gorgeous!

Parochet - Ark Curtains

Our Parochet - Torah Ark Curtains are crafted with the finest quality velvet material in your desired color and size. All Parochet can be embroidered with a custom dedication or personalization. You may create your own logo or design on our Ark curtains for this unique touch.
Click here for our Parochet size guide for proper measurements.

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