- Parochet - Ark CurtainsTorah Ark Curtains, Aron Kodesh Covers, Paroches
- Torah Covers - Torah MantlesSefer Torah Mantels, Torah Scroll Covers, Velvet Torah Mantles
- Torah Rollers - Atzei ChaimWooden Torah Handles & Plates, Eitz Chayim Torah set
- Bimah Covers - Amud CoversBima Cover, Torah Reading Table Covers, Shtender Covers
- Bein GavrahsFlat Torah Covers between Reading
- Silver Torah OrnamentsTorah Breasplates, Torah Crown, Rimonim & Finials, Torah Cases, Torah Pointer / Yad, Torah Markers / Labels
- Torah Binders - GartlesTorah Belts, Torah Ties, Gartel for Sefer Torah
- Tallit - Prayer ShawlsTallis, Talleisim, Tallitoth, Jewish Prayer Shawl
- Tallit BagsVelvet Tallis & Tefillin Bags, Tallis Covers, Embroidered Tallit Covers
- Kippot - YarmulkasSynagogue Kippot, Kippah, Yarmulkes, Womens Lace Headcovering
- Chuppahs - Wedding CanopiesWedding Chuppahs, Tallit Chuppah
- Judaica Gifts & AccessoriesJudaica & Gifts, Challah Covers, Shofars, Megillah Cases, Matzah Covers
- Casket Covers
Related Products Reviews

Great news! The package has arrived in London. My brother received it today and it will be in the Shul this evening. He commented that the pieces are both beautiful and unusual. Many thanks.

Great news! The package has arrived in London. My brother received it today and it will be in the Shul this evening. He commented that the pieces are both beautiful and unusual. Many thanks.

Many thanks for the beautiful scroll cover and the pretty rimonim. All arrived by FedEx this morning, and they were packed beautifully, so there are no damages.. Many many thanks.

Many thanks for the beautiful scroll cover and the pretty rimonim. All arrived by FedEx this morning, and they were packed beautifully, so there are no damages.. Many many thanks.

The crown came today (Thursday) as promised).. You were correct. It is beautiful and looks very majestic on our Torah. Thanks for all your help.

The crown came today (Thursday) as promised).. You were correct. It is beautiful and looks very majestic on our Torah. Thanks for all your help.
Silver Torah Ornaments - Sterling Silver or Silver Plated
Torah Crown, Breastplate, Rimonim & Yad Pointer
The earliest Torah ornaments are the Torah crowns and the Rimonim, or Torah finials, mounted on the Torah case or on the staves of the Torah scroll. In the earlier times, The Torah crowns and finials were made of various decorative items such as jewelery and greenery. Later, the Torah crowns and other Torah ornaments were made of silver and were used regularly to this date to decorate the Torah scrolls in the synagogue.
The Torah breastplate, or Torah shield, an ornamental metal plate or shield hung in front of the Torah scroll, is another decorative form of adorning the Torah scroll. The Torah breastplate may come in various shapes - triangular, oval or rounded, depicting motifs of ritual references such as Lions & Luchot (10 Commandments), a Tree of Life or insignia of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Torah breastplates also feature verses from the Torah skillfully designed with cut-out letters on the face or outer edges of the breastplate. In addition, some Torah breastplates also contain interchangeable plaques representing important Holidays and the portion of the Torah to be read.
Be inspired with our exquisite selection of silver Torah ornaments available in sterling silver and/or silver plated. Eternalize the memory of a loved one by donating a silver Torah breastplate, Torah crown, a pair of silver rimonim or yad (Torah pointer) to your synagogue which will be remembered and cherished forever.
Be sure to check out our amazing selection of Parochet & Ark Curtains, Torah covers & mantles, Bima & Amud Covers and Bein Gavras (flat Torah cover between readings) for a uniform synagogue decor!