- Parochet - Ark CurtainsTorah Ark Curtains, Aron Kodesh Covers, Paroches
- Torah Covers - Torah MantlesSefer Torah Mantels, Torah Scroll Covers, Velvet Torah Mantles
- Torah Rollers - Atzei ChaimWooden Torah Handles & Plates, Eitz Chayim Torah set
- Bimah Covers - Amud CoversBima Cover, Torah Reading Table Covers, Shtender Covers
- Bein GavrahsFlat Torah Covers between Reading
- Silver Torah OrnamentsTorah Breasplates, Torah Crown, Rimonim & Finials, Torah Cases, Torah Pointer / Yad, Torah Markers / Labels
- Torah Binders - GartlesTorah Belts, Torah Ties, Gartel for Sefer Torah
- Tallit - Prayer ShawlsTallis, Talleisim, Tallitoth, Jewish Prayer Shawl
- Tallit BagsVelvet Tallis & Tefillin Bags, Tallis Covers, Embroidered Tallit Covers
- Kippot - YarmulkasSynagogue Kippot, Kippah, Yarmulkes, Womens Lace Headcovering
- Chuppahs - Wedding CanopiesWedding Chuppahs, Tallit Chuppah
- Judaica Gifts & AccessoriesJudaica & Gifts, Challah Covers, Shofars, Megillah Cases, Matzah Covers
- Casket Covers
Related Products Reviews
Thank you very much. What a beautiful job. Thank you
Thank you very much. What a beautiful job. Thank you
The paroches came out beautiful! It was greatly appreciated that you had it ready in time for Yom Tov.
The paroches came out beautiful! It was greatly appreciated that you had it ready in time for Yom Tov.
Hey Etty it just arrived amazing job thank you for all your help
Hey Etty it just arrived amazing job thank you for all your help
We received the parochet yesterday and it is absolutely wonderful! You all did a fantastic job. Kol hakavod. Thanks so much for all of your help
We received the parochet yesterday and it is absolutely wonderful! You all did a fantastic job. Kol hakavod. Thanks so much for all of your help
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Traditional Parochet
Read more about Traditional ParochetOur Paroches are crafted with the finest quality velvet custom made in your color & size. All Paroches are durably lined and can have an optional valance on the top. A custom dedication or inscription is typically embroidered in gold or silver matching the paroches. You may create your own unique logo or design on our paroches, as well as on our Torah covers, Bima & Amud covers for uniform synagogue decor.
How to Measure your Paroches
Measuring from existing Paroches
For the length, measure from the top of the rings to the bottom tip of the paroches (or fringes, if any).
For the width, measure from left to right of paroches.
Measuring for a new Aron Kodesh
For the length, measure from the top to the bottom of the opening area of the Aron Kodesh (ark), or the length you prefer. Also, advise if there is any extra hidden area on top (for the rod).
For the width, measure from left to right of opening area, or the width you prefer. We usually add 2-3 inches to the sides to allow waviness of the paroches curtain.
In addition to the paroches styles shown here, we specialize in custom designs or logos. Create your own paroches design & match with the Torah covers & Bima Covers for this unique touch. Also, you may mix and match, add or omit elements of different paroches designs to suit your taste & budget. Most of the styles can be done in the color you prefer or customize the paroches with your own fabric!
View our selection of Torah Covers & Mantels, Bima & Amud Covers and Bein Gavras for additional designs that can be used on the paroches.
Be sure to check out our amazing selection of silver Torah ornaments to enhance the royalty!
Paroches - Ark Curtain
A paroches, or Torah ark cover, is the cloth that covers the doors of the Aron Kodesh (Ark) containing the Holly Torah scrolls in a synagogue. The paroches symbolizes the curtain of which separated the holy section of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the Temple from the Kodesh HaKodashim, the Holy of Holies. The paroches cover is typically made of velvet and embroidered with metallic thread, silk, and ornamental beads, and may often come in various colors - red, blue, green or gold matching the Torah covers (Torah mantles), bima cover & amud cover. During the High Holidays, the parochet, Torah covers and everything else are changed to immaculate white to symbolize the purity and holiness of the Days of Awe.
Skillfully hand crafted, the parochet are richly ornamented with artistic art, depicting motifs of ritual references such as Lions and 10 Commandments, Eitz Chaim (Tree of Life), Shema Yisrael or High Holiday symbols, often featuring verses from the Torah hand made or machine embroidered.
Like Torah covers & other synagogue embroidery, the parochet is commonly donated by individual members of the congregation, frequently to commemorate life-cycle events or honor a loved. A custom dedication, or inscription, is typically embroidered directly on the parochet in gold or silver matching the parochet design.