- Parochet - Ark CurtainsTorah Ark Curtains, Aron Kodesh Covers, Paroches
- Torah Covers - Torah MantlesSefer Torah Mantels, Torah Scroll Covers, Velvet Torah Mantles
- Torah Rollers - Atzei ChaimWooden Torah Handles & Plates, Eitz Chayim Torah set
- Bimah Covers - Amud CoversBima Cover, Torah Reading Table Covers, Shtender Covers
- Bein GavrahsFlat Torah Covers between Reading
- Silver Torah OrnamentsTorah Breasplates, Torah Crown, Rimonim & Finials, Torah Cases, Torah Pointer / Yad, Torah Markers / Labels
- Torah Binders - GartlesTorah Belts, Torah Ties, Gartel for Sefer Torah
- Tallit - Prayer ShawlsTallis, Talleisim, Tallitoth, Jewish Prayer Shawl
- Tallit BagsVelvet Tallis & Tefillin Bags, Tallis Covers, Embroidered Tallit Covers
- Kippot - YarmulkasSynagogue Kippot, Kippah, Yarmulkes, Womens Lace Headcovering
- Chuppahs - Wedding CanopiesWedding Chuppahs, Tallit Chuppah
- Judaica Gifts & AccessoriesJudaica & Gifts, Challah Covers, Shofars, Megillah Cases, Matzah Covers
- Casket Covers
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I wanted to thank you for the beautiful Tallis bag we ordered from you. The embroidery was perfect and our new rabbi was very pleased.

I wanted to thank you for the beautiful Tallis bag we ordered from you. The embroidery was perfect and our new rabbi was very pleased.